Marichal goes in depth into this issue, arguing that “the enormous extraction of Mexican silver… was used mainly to finance an extraordinary succession of wars between Spain …
This book is a detailed historical description of the evolution of corporate governance and stock markets in Brazil in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The analysis details …
Institutionalist models of macroeconomic performance in advanced industrial countries focus on central bank independence. In newly industrializing countries, however, the behavioral …
The historiographies of Mexico and Brazil have implicitly stated that business networks were crucial for the initial industrialization of these two countries. Recently, differing visions on the …
Comercio y poder en América colonial Skip to content Should you have institutional access? Here's how to get it ... De Gruyter € EUR - Euro £ GBP - Pound $ USD - Dollar EN English …
During the nineteenth century, Yucat&án moved effectively from its colonial past into modernity, transforming from a cattle-ranching and subsistence-farming economy to a …
Presentamos nuevos índices de precios para el periodo 1886-1929. Estos índices introducen una mejoría con respecto a los anteriores por varias razones: i) cubren con una …
SH Haber, LEP Varela - Historia mexicana, 1993 - JSTOR
A mediados del siglo xx, la economia mexicana estaba domi nada por la agricultura. La mayoria de la poblacion vivia en pueblos rurales, y la politica era una abstraction que intere …
El libro Familia, poder, riqueza y subversión: los Fagoaga novohispanos 1730-1830, de doña Laura Pérez Rosales, ofrece un retrato muy sugerente y acertado, con multitud de …