Women are underrepresented in Open Source Software (OSS) projects, as a result of which, not only do women lose career and skill development opportunities, but the projects …
Software processes comprise many steps; coding is followed by building, integration testing, system testing, deployment, operations, among others. Software process integration and …
Online toxicity is ubiquitous across the internet and its negative impact on the people and that online communities that it effects has been well documented. However, toxicity …
Y Yu, H Wang, V Filkov, P Devanbu… - 2015 IEEE/ACM 12th …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The pull-based development model, enabled by git and popularised by collaborative coding platforms like Bit Bucket, Gitorius, and GitHub, is widely used in distributed software teams …
Sustained participation by contributors in opensource software is critical to the survival of open-source projects and can provide career advancement benefits to individual …
In fast-paced, reuse-heavy, and distributed software development, the transparency provided by social coding platforms like GitHub is essential to decision making. Developers …
The team aspects of software engineering have been a subject of great interest since early work by Fred Brooks and others: how well do people work together in teams? why do people …
Source code hosting websites (code forges) have recently changed to more social environments, and the contribution process evolved to the so-called pull-based …
Open-source projects do not exist in a vacuum. They benefit from reusing other projects and themselves are being reused by others, creating complex networks of interdependencies, ie …