Nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance with impact angle constraints

SR Kumar, S Rao, D Ghose - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2014 -
Guidance laws based on a conventional sliding mode ensures only asymptotic
convergence. However, convergence to the desired impact angle within a finite time is …

Optimal control based guidance law to control both impact time and impact angle

X Chen, J Wang - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
A new guidance law with both impact time and impact angle constraints is proposed in this
paper. We first simplify missile dynamics under small heading error approximation, and …

Switched-gain guidance for impact angle control under physical constraints

R Tekin, KS Erer - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2015 -
The nonlinear impact angle control problem of a physically constrained pursuer against a
stationary ground target is solved through the use of a two-phased proportional navigation …

Cooperative guidance for multiple powered missiles with constrained impact and bounded speed

Y Chen, J Wang, J Shan, M Xin - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2021 -
In this paper, a cooperative guidance law is proposed for missiles with thrust control to
realize impact angle constrained salvo attack, where missile speed limit is also considered …

Impact time control guidance law with field of view constraint

Y Zhang, X Wang, H Wu - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The problem of Impact Time Control Guidance (ITCG) with field-of-view (FOV)
constraint is investigated. The proposed ITCG law is a combination of the well-known …

Analysis of two-stage proportional navigation with heading constraints

A Ratnoo - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2016 -
MAINTAINING seeker lock on to the target is critical for the success of any missile
engagement. Imposing a terminal impact angle constraint may result in curved missile …

Distributed cooperative guidance of multiple anti-ship missiles with arbitrary impact angle constraint

X Wang, Y Zhang, H Wu - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015 - Elsevier
The problem of distributed cooperative guidance with arbitrary impact angle constraint is
addressed. A new distributed cooperative guidance law, which consists of a local control …

Closed-loop optimization of guidance gain for constrained impact

X Liu, Z Shen, P Lu - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2016 -
Nomenclature a= missile lateral acceleration, m∕ s2 amax= limit of missile lateral
acceleration, m∕ s2 N= proportional-navigation gain r= range between missile and target …

Range-to-go weighted optimal guidance with impact angle constraint and seeker's look angle limits

BG Park, TH Kim, MJ Tahk - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace …, 2016 -
In this paper, an impact angle control guidance law, which considers simultaneously the
impact angle and seeker's look angle constraints, is proposed for a constant speed missile …

Look angle constrained impact angle control guidance law for homing missiles with bearings-only measurements

HG Kim, JY Lee, HJ Kim - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and …, 2018 -
This paper presents an impact angle control guidance law that confines the missile look
angle during homing in order to not exceed a seeker's field-of-view limit. A sliding surface …