Does the postmodern process of rewriting stories by earlier writers point to a crisis of originality in our cloning culture? In Rewriting, the first systematic examination of this …
Philology has been more often irrelevant than controversial within mainstream critical debates. With the expansion of electric technologies and the fragmentation of the nationalist …
Transformative narratives may take a wide range of forms: an author may fill in the outlines of a tale with greater detail; move the story to a different setting; tell it from a different point of …
It is possible to beirrational without beinguneconomic? What is the link betweenValue andvalues? What do economists do when theyexplain? We live in times when the economic …
The Symbolic Scenarios of Islamism initiates a dialogue between the discourse of three of the most discussed figures in the history of the Sunni Islamic movement—Hasan al-Banna …
summary What is the political value of time, and where does that value reside? Should politics place its hope in future possibility, or does that simply defer action in the present …
A Mura - Language and Psychoanalysis, 2012 -
In this article transmodernity will be described as the symbolic context within which, in the last decades, new formulations of selfhood and community have emerged that challenge …
M Flegel - ESC: English Studies in Canada, 1998 -
In Possession AS Byatt analyses the problems that exist within the literary/critical world. In her depiction of the relationship between a poetical couple of the past and an academic …
In her 2002 Amnesty Lecture at the Oxford Sheldonian Theatre, Marina Warner commented that since the 1980s, many women writers had used" Negative Capability" to reconstitute lost …