X-ray diffraction of photovoltaic perovskites: Principles and applications

WL Tan, CR McNeill - Applied Physics Reviews, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Solar cells based on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite materials have emerged as the
most efficient next-generation thin-film solar cells within just a decade of research and show …

A survey of algorithms for black-box safety validation of cyber-physical systems

A Corso, R Moss, M Koren, R Lee… - Journal of Artificial …, 2021 - jair.org
Autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS) can improve safety and efficiency for safety-
critical applications, but require rigorous testing before deployment. The complexity of these …

Planning with learned object importance in large problem instances using graph neural networks

T Silver, R Chitnis, A Curtis, JB Tenenbaum… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - ojs.aaai.org
Real-world planning problems often involve hundreds or even thousands of objects,
straining the limits of modern planners. In this work, we address this challenge by learning to …

Learning general optimal policies with graph neural networks: Expressive power, transparency, and limits

S Ståhlberg, B Bonet, H Geffner - Proceedings of the International …, 2022 - ojs.aaai.org
It has been recently shown that general policies for many classical planning domains can be
expressed and learned in terms of a pool of features defined from the domain predicates …

Best-first width search: Exploration and exploitation in classical planning

N Lipovetzky, H Geffner - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on …, 2017 - ojs.aaai.org
It has been shown recently that the performance of greedy best-first search (GBFS) for
computing plans that are not necessarily optimal can be improved by adding forms of …

Probabilistic programs as an action description language

RI Brafman, D Tolpin, O Wertheim - … of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - ojs.aaai.org
Actions description languages (ADLs), such as STRIPS, PDDL, and RDDL specify the input
format for planning algorithms. Unfortunately, their syntax is familiar to planning experts only …

Subgoal search for complex reasoning tasks

K Czechowski, T Odrzygóźdź… - Advances in …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Humans excel in solving complex reasoning tasks through a mental process of moving from
one idea to a related one. Inspired by this, we propose Subgoal Search (kSubS) method. Its …

Model-free, model-based, and general intelligence

H Geffner - arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02308, 2018 - arxiv.org
During the 60s and 70s, AI researchers explored intuitions about intelligence by writing
programs that displayed intelligent behavior. Many good ideas came out from this work but …

A unified framework for planning in adversarial and cooperative environments

A Kulkarni, S Srivastava, S Kambhampati - Proceedings of the AAAI …, 2019 - ojs.aaai.org
Users of AI systems may rely upon them to produce plans for achieving desired objectives.
Such AI systems should be able to compute obfuscated plans whose execution in …

Purely declarative action descriptions are overrated: Classical planning with simulators

G Frances, M Ramírez Jávega… - IJCAI 2017. Twenty …, 2017 - repositori.upf.edu
Classical planning is concerned with problems where a goal needs to be reached from a
known initial state by doing actions with deterministic, known effects. Classical planners …