Events are real-world occurrences that unfold over space and time. Event mining from multimedia streams improves the access and reuse of large media collections, and it has …
CGM Snoek, M Worring - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2009 -
In this paper, we review 300 references on video retrieval, indicating when text-only solutions are unsatisfactory and showing the promising alternatives which are in majority …
Learning-based video annotation is a promising approach to facilitating video retrieval and it can avoid the intensive labor costs of pure manual annotation. But it frequently encounters …
In this paper, we introduce hierarchical action search. Starting from the observation that hierarchies are mostly ignored in the action literature, we retrieve not only individual actions …
In this paper, we address the problem of retrieving objects based on open-vocabulary natural language queries: Given a phrase describing a specific object, eg,“the corn flakes …
In this paper, we address the problem of spatio-temporal person retrieval from videos using a natural language query, in which we output a tube (ie, a sequence of bounding boxes) …
Recent research in video retrieval has been successful at finding videos when the query consists of tens or hundreds of sample relevant videos for training supervised models …
As multimedia applications have become part of contemporary daily life, numerous paradigm-shifting technologies in multimedia processing have emerged over the last …
XY Wei, YG Jiang, CW Ngo - … on Circuits and Systems for Video …, 2011 -
As it is true for human perception that we gather information from different sources in natural and multi-modality forms, learning from multi-modalities has become an effective scheme for …