[HTML][HTML] Bullying victimization and adolescent depression, anxiety and stress: the mediation of cognitive emotion regulation

M Vacca, S Cerolini, A Zegretti, A Zagaria, C Lombardo - Children, 2023 - mdpi.com
Background: Existing research has revealed a robust association between bullying
victimization and psychological distress, but less is known about the underlying mechanism …

[HTML][HTML] Examining adolescents' experiences of distress when participating in research on well-being and early life adversity

A Stewart-Tufescu, J Fortier, S Salmon, TL Taillieu… - Child Abuse & …, 2024 - Elsevier
Rationale Most child well-being and childhood adversity research is informed by proxy
informants such as parents or teachers rather than children and youth. This may be due to …


EPO Falconi, MGML Sevilla - 2024 - repositorio.puce.edu.ec
Este estudio se centró en analizar el grado de aplicación del modelo de formación B-
Learning como estrategia didáctica extracurricular en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje …

Selbstregulation und Moralentwicklung in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung von Grundschulkindern

J Wilke - 2024 - oops.uni-oldenburg.de
Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die differenzierte Erforschung verschiedener Konstrukte der
Selbstregulation sowie die Untersuchung von Verhaltensproblemen im Kontext der …

Difensori o osservatori passivi? Il ruolo della self-compassion e della regolazione emotiva nel bullismo adolescenziale

N ROVETTI - thesis.unipd.it
Sebbene, l'importanza degli astanti nelle dinamiche di bullismo sia avvalorata da numerose
evidenze empiriche, ad oggi sono ancora pochi gli studi che consentono di spiegare perchè …

[引用][C] Selbstregulation und Moralentwicklung in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung von Grundschulkindern

J Wilke, U von Düring, J Zumbach-Basu, UM Krause…