Opportunities and challenges of mathematics learning in Taiwan: a critical review

KL Yang, HY Hsu, YH Cheng - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2022 - Springer
In this paper we report the results of a study in which we investigated how formal education
and shadow education in Taiwan provide students opportunities to learn mathematics …

A study of pre-service primary teachers' discourse when solving didactic-mathematical tasks

R Toscano, JM Gavilán-Izquierdo… - Eurasia Journal of …, 2019 - ejmste.com
From a commognitive approach, this article focuses on the discourse generated by pre-
service primary teachers who are solving didactic-mathematical tasks. Our aims are to study …

Estudio del conocimiento de profesores de secundaria sobre procesos matemáticos

JR Loría, JLL Gómez - … . Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de …, 2019 - revistaseug.ugr.es
Analizamos el conocimiento de profesores de matemáticas de Educación Secundaria sobre
la realización de procesos matemáticos en el aula para apoyar el desarrollo de la …

Technology Acceptance Factors on K-12 Teachers' Behavioral Intention to Use Technology

C Perry - 2024 - search.proquest.com
The adoption of technology in educational settings remains a multifaceted challenge. This
dissertation explores teachers' beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes regarding the impact of …

Matematik tartışmalarını yürütürken öğrenci çözüm yöntemlerini seçme ve sıralama: Kesirlerle çıkarma işlemi

RT Sitrava - Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışmanın amacı ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının matematik tartışmaları
yürütürken öğrencilerin kesirlerle çıkarma işlemine dair geliştirdikleri çözüm yöntemlerine …

Elementary teacher candidates' lived experiences of edTPA mathematics assessment task

T Jacobs - 2018 - scholarworks.gsu.edu
Teacher performance assessments such as edTPA are increasing in use during teacher
preparation programs as a means of evaluating teacher candidates' instructional …

Diseño de tareas para la evaluación de la Competencia Matemática escolar. Una experiencia con profesores de Costa Rica

JR Loría Fernández - 2021 - digibug.ugr.es
El marco de la reciente reforma curricular en matemáticas en Costa Rica propone la
aplicación de un modelo de currículo que persigue el logro y el fortalecimiento de una serie …


JRL Fernández, JLL Gómez - core.ac.uk
Analizamos el conocimiento de profesores de matemáticas de Educación Secundaria sobre
la realización de tareas en el aula para apoyar el desarrollo de la competencia matemática …

A study of pre-service primary teachers' discourse when solving didactic-mathematical tasks

R Toscano Barragán, JM Gavilán Izquierdo… - Eurasia Journal of …, 2019 - idus.us.es
From a commognitive approach, this article focuses on the discourse generated by pre
service primary teachers who are solving didactic-mathematical tasks. Our aims are to study …