Creative and research competence as a factor of professional training of future teachers: Perspective of learning technology.

A Amirova, JM Iskakovna, TG Zakaryanovna… - World Journal on …, 2020 - ERIC
One of the main current objectives of countries is to achieve a high level of quality in higher
education that meets the needs of the labor market problems of industrial-innovative …

Kemandirian belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh selama masa pandemi

AP Makur, E Jehadus, S Fedi… - Mosharafa …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat kemandirian belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah
Matematika Dasar dalam mengikuti pembelajaran jarak jauh khususnya pembelajaran …

The impact of online learning on the mathematics learning process in Indonesia: A meta-analysis

M Turmuzi, U Lu'luilmaknun - JOTSE: Journal of Technology …, 2023 -
The goal of this meta-analysis is to ascertain how online learning has affected Indonesian
students' ability to learn mathematics. Descriptive analysis was used to compile info from 41 …

Tahap kepuasan pembelajaran Matematik atas talian semasa pandemik Covid-19

J Mustapah, R Rosli - Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences …, 2021 -
Abstract Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) telah dilaksanakan secara berperingkat iaitu
bermula 18 Mac 2020 di bawah Akta Pencegahan dan Pengawasan Penyakit Berjangkit …

[PDF][PDF] Developing an electronic module based on mathematical literacy to enhance students' mathematical reasoning

R Marsitin, NR Sesanti - Jurnal Elemen, 2023 -
This study aims to produce an e-module based on mathematical literacy with a valid,
effective, and feasible problem-based learning approach to improve students' mathematical …

Pengembangan e-modul statistika matematika berbasis STEM

R Marsitin, NR Sesanti - JMPM: Jurnal Matematika dan …, 2021 -
Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah e-modul statistika matematika berbasis
STEM yang dinyatakan valid, efektif, layak. Penelitian ini adalah suatu penelitian dengan …

Introducing IWB to Preservice Mathematics Teachers: An Evaluation Using the TPACK Framework.

GG Gonzales, RR Gonzales - Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2021 - ERIC
The study used the intervention mixed methods design to evaluate the technological,
pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of mathematics preservice teachers while …

Tingkat kemandirian belajar pada remaja

A Fitriani, F Yusri - Consilium: Berkala Kajian Konseling dan Ilmu …, 2022 -
The purpose of this research is to see how much the level of learning independence in
adolescents in Jorong Koto Nan Gadang, Kenagarian Aie Angek, X Koto District, Tanah …

The influence of online learning readiness on mathematics achievement with mathematics self-efficacy as an intervening variable

A Hamidy, I Maula, KFT Lam - Al-Jabar: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Background: The impact of online learning during the pandemic on students' mathematics
achievements is influenced by their preparedness and belief in their ability to learn …

Strategi Pembelajaran Kolaborasi Online Pada Pembelajaran Matematika

H Kurniawan, T Wibowo - AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi …, 2022 -
Pembelajaran online telah banyak diterapkan di kelas semenjak merebaknya pandemi
COVID-19 dengan berbagai strateginya, salah satunya melalui pembelajaran kolaborasi …