Harnessing Instagram® for collaborative learning in higher education

L Živojinović, D Stojanović, A Labus… - Interactive learning …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This research proposes a methodological approach to using the social network Instagram®
as a tool for collaborative e-learning activities in higher education. Collaborative e-learning …

Utilizing Technology to Elevate Online Graduate Education

A El Amin - International Journal of Online Graduate Education, 2021 - ijoge.org
The internet is a significant technological advancement and has reshaped society and
instructional technology. Therefore, educational environments must capitalize on the internet …

Implementation of CRM Concept in e-Education

M Vulić, A Labus, M Despotović-Zrakić - Innovative Management and Firm …, 2014 - Springer
Abstract Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been defined as a management
approach that involves identifying, attracting, developing, and maintaining successful …

[PDF][PDF] Učenje kroz igru u elektronskom obrazovanju

A Labus - 2012 - doiserbia.nb.rs
The availability of modern information and communication technology has significantly
impacted the process of learning and teaching, as well as the process of education strategy …

Учење кроз игру у електронском образовању

АБ Лабус - 2012 - search.proquest.com
Доступност савремених информационо-комуникационих технологија знатно је
утицала на процес учења и подучавања, као и на начин креирања стратегија …

[PDF][PDF] Интеграција модела за управљање ресурсима предузећа и односима с потрошачима у информационо технолошкој делатности

Ж Томић - Универзитет Мегатренд, 2016 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
ABSTRACT Customer Relationship Management-CRM and Enterprise Resource Planing-
ERP systems are usually obtained and implemented separately and at different times. Quite …

Integracija Modela za Upravljanje Resursima Preduzeća i Odnosima s Potrošačima u Informaciono-Tehnološkoj Delatnosti

Т Жељко - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Sistem za upravljanje odnosima sa potrošačima (Customer Relationship Management–
CRM) isistem za upravljanje resursima preduzeća (Enterprise Resource Planing–ERP) …