[图书][B] Simultaneous Quantitative Multiparametric MRI for in Vivo Tissue Characterization Using Magnetic Resonance Multitasking: Methodology and Clinical …

S Ma - 2020 - search.proquest.com
In current clinical systems, magnetic resonance imaging scans for disease diagnosis and
prognosis are dominated by qualitative contrast-weighted imaging. These qualitative MR …

Disentangling the Influence of Blood on Brain Parametric Maps and Volumetry

V Sumra - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Caffeine, the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world, leads to changes in
cerebral blood flow (CBF). Recent research has shown that changes in CBF can bias …

Two multi-echo SPGR acquisitions for the simultaneous generation of SWI, qT1 and other parametric maps: preliminary data

V Sumra, TC Wood, S Chavez - archive.ismrm.org
Multi-parametric mapping is often conducted using multiple separate scans, leading to
errors in registration and long scan times. Multi-echo complex data was acquired for two flip …