On the eigencurve at classical weight points

J Bellaïche, M Dimitrov - 2016 - projecteuclid.org
On the eigencurve at classical weight 1 points Page 1 ON THE EIGENCURVE AT CLASSICAL

Geometry of the eigencurve at CM points and trivial zeros of Katz p-adic L-functions

A Betina, M Dimitrov - Advances in mathematics, 2021 - Elsevier
The primary goal of this paper is to investigate the geometry of the p-adic eigencurve at a
point f corresponding to a weight one cuspidal CM theta series θ ψ irregular at the prime …

On the failure of Gorensteinness at weight 1 Eisenstein points of the eigencurve

A Betina, M Dimitrov, A Pozzi - American Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - muse.jhu.edu
We prove that the cuspidal eigencurve $\scr {C} _ {{\rm cusp}} $ is\'etale over the weight
space at any classical weight $1 $ Eisenstein point $ f $ and meets two Eisenstein …

Approximations of the balanced triple product p-adic L-function

L Dall'Ava - Journal of Number Theory, 2023 - Elsevier
The main purpose of this note is to provide an algorithm for approximating the value of the
balanced p-adic L-function, as constructed in [Hsi21], at the point (2, 1, 1), which is lying …

On the local structure of ordinary Hecke algebras at classical weight one points

M Dimitrov - Automorphic forms and Galois representations, 2014 - books.google.com
The aim of this chapter is to explain how one can obtain information regarding the
membership of a classical weight one eigenform in a Hida family from the geometry of the …

Les variétés de Hecke–Hilbert aux points classiques de poids parallèle 1

A Betina - Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 2018 - jtnb.centre-mersenne.org
On montre que la variété de Hecke associée aux formes de Hilbert sur un corps totalement
réel F est lisse aux points correspondant à certaines séries thêta de poids 1 et on donne …

Lattices in rigid analytic representations

A Conti, E Torti - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.20232, 2024 - arxiv.org
For a profinite group $ G $ and a rigid analytic space $ X $, we study when an $\mathcal
O_X (X) $-linear representation $ V $ of $ G $ admits a lattice, ie an $\mathcal O_ {\mathcal …

Galois level and congruence ideal for-adic families of finite slope Siegel modular forms

A Conti - Compositio Mathematica, 2019 - cambridge.org
Galois level and congruence ideal for p-adic families of finite slope Siegel modular forms Page
1 Galois level and congruence ideal for p-adic families of finite slope Siegel modular forms …

[PDF][PDF] Quaternionic Hida families and the triple product p-adic L-function

L Dall'Ava - 2021 - duepublico2.uni-due.de
The main purpose of this thesis is to provide an algorithm for approximating the value of the
balanced p-adic L-function, as constructed in [Hsi21], at the point (2, 1, 1) which lies outside …

Th\'eorie d'Iwasawa des motifs d'Artin et des formes modulaires de poids 1

A Maksoud - arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.05368, 2018 - arxiv.org
Let $ p $ be an odd prime. We study the structure of the cyclotomic Greenberg-Selmer group
attached to a general irreducible Artin motive over $\mathbb {Q} $ endowed with an ordinary …