Student difficulties in solving geometry problem based on Van Hiele thinking level

DL Sulistiowati, T Herman, A Jupri - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
The background of this study is the lack of problem-solving ability of students. The evidence
in the school shows that there are difficulties experienced by students in solving geometry …

[PDF][PDF] Desain pembelajaran kerucut berkonteks tradisi Megono Gunungan

F Nursyahidah, BA Saputro, IU Albab - Jurnal Elemen, 2021 -
Geometri merupakan salah satu materi yang penting bagi siswa. Namun, materi geometri
khusunya bangun ruang sisi lengkung kerucut masih menjadi materi yang sulit bagi siswa …


NM Siew, CL Chong, MR Abdullah - Journal of Social Sciences, 2013 -
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Van Hiele's phases of learning using
tangrams on 3rd grade primary school students' levels of geometric thinking at the first …

The identification of van Hiele level students on the topic of space analytic geometry

E Yudianto, T Sugiarti… - Journal of Physics …, 2018 -
Geometry topics are still considered difficult by most students. Therefore, this study focused
on the identification of students related to van Hiele levels. The task used from result of the …

Use of the van hiele theory in investigating teaching strategies used by college of education geometry tutors

RB Armah, PS Kissi - EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and …, 2019 -
The main purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which 11 selected mathematics
tutors facilitate the teaching and learning of geometry at the van Hiele Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 at …

Van hiele geometrik düşünme düzeyleri, başarı ve tutum arasındaki ilişki: bir meta-analiz çalışması

BC Günhan, B Doluzengin, BD Aksoy… - Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi …, 2022 -
Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de Van Hiele geometrik düşünme düzeyleri, başarı ve tutum
arasındaki ilişkileri araştıran çalışmaların meta-analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesi …

Geometry learning in vocational high school: Investigating the students' difficulties and levels of thinking

MEO Barut, H Retnawati - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020 -
Student's difficulties and low-level thinking in geometry topic is not a new problem in
mathematics education. It is portrayed on student's low achievement both on national and …

Geometrical sense making: Findings of analysis based on the characteristics of the van Hiele theory among a sample of South African grade 10 learners

JK Alex, JK Mammen - Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and …, 2016 -
Background: This paper reports on one part of a large study which attempted to identify the
linguistic and hierarchical characteristics of van Hiele theory amongst grade 10 learners …

Analysis of students' thinking level in solving Pythagoras' theorem problems based on Van hiele's theory

S Wulandari, A Syahbana, T Tanzimah… - Malikussaleh Journal …, 2021 -
The aims of this analysis are to explain the level of thinking of grade VIII students at SMP
Negeri 1 Talang Ubi in solving Pythagorean Theorem questions based on Van Hiele's …

[PDF][PDF] Gender differences amongst South African senior secondary school learners' geometric thinking levels

JK Alex, KJ Mammen - Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014 -
This paper reports on the gender differences in the geometrical thinking levels of South
African grade 10 learners and emanates from one part of a larger study. A total of 163 male …