Video frame interpolation: A comprehensive survey

J Dong, K Ota, M Dong - ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing …, 2023 -
Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) is a fascinating and challenging problem in the computer
vision (CV) field, aiming to generate non-existing frames between two consecutive video …

Video frame interpolation via adaptive separable convolution

S Niklaus, L Mai, F Liu - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2017 -
Standard video frame interpolation methods first estimate optical flow between input frames
and then synthesize an intermediate frame guided by motion. Recent approaches merge …

Video frame interpolation via adaptive convolution

S Niklaus, L Mai, F Liu - … of the IEEE conference on computer …, 2017 -
Video frame interpolation typically involves two steps: motion estimation and pixel synthesis.
Such a two-step approach heavily depends on the quality of motion estimation. This paper …

Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras

SW Hasinoff, D Sharlet, R Geiss, A Adams… - ACM Transactions on …, 2016 -
Cell phone cameras have small apertures, which limits the number of photons they can
gather, leading to noisy images in low light. They also have small sensor pixels, which limits …

Occlusion aware unsupervised learning of optical flow

Y Wang, Y Yang, Z Yang, L Zhao… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
It has been recently shown that a convolutional neural network can learn optical flow
estimation with unsuper-vised learning. However, the performance of the unsuper-vised …

Fast optical flow using dense inverse search

T Kroeger, R Timofte, D Dai, L Van Gool - Computer Vision–ECCV 2016 …, 2016 - Springer
Most recent works in optical flow extraction focus on the accuracy and neglect the time
complexity. However, in real-life visual applications, such as tracking, activity detection and …

Optical flow modeling and computation: A survey

D Fortun, P Bouthemy, C Kervrann - Computer Vision and Image …, 2015 - Elsevier
Optical flow estimation is one of the oldest and still most active research domains in
computer vision. In 35 years, many methodological concepts have been introduced and …

Phase-based frame interpolation for video

S Meyer, O Wang, H Zimmer, M Grosse… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 -
Standard approaches to computing interpolated (in-between) frames in a video sequence
require accurate pixel correspondences between images eg using optical flow. We present …

Efficient sparse-to-dense optical flow estimation using a learned basis and layers

J Wulff, MJ Black - Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on …, 2015 -
We address the elusive goal of estimating optical flow both accurately and efficiently by
adopting a sparse-to-dense approach. Given a set of sparse matches, we regress to dense …

Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus

JT Barron, A Adams, YC Shih… - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2015 -
Given a stereo pair it is possible to recover a depth map and use that depth to render a
synthetically defocused image. Though stereo algorithms are well-studied, rarely are those …