Strangers No More is the first book to compare immigrant integration across key Western countries. Focusing on low-status newcomers and their children, it examines how they are …
What is the impact of three decades of neoliberal narratives and policies on communities and individual lives? What are the sources of social resilience? This book offers a sweeping …
T Cassiers, C Kesteloot - Urban Studies, 2012 -
This paper addresses the increasing socio-spatial inequalities in European cities and their impact on the possibilities for fostering social cohesion. Many policy programmes tackle …
We know very little about variations in urban class and ethnic segregation among nations and even less about differences among cities in different regions of the world. Spatial …
Through an international comparative research, this unique book examines ethnic residential segregation patterns in relation to the wider society and mechanisms of social …
S Tissot, F Poupeau - Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 2005 -
1971, UNE REPRÉSENTATION DES «PROBLÈMES URBAINS». Cette légende illustre l'approche psycho-sociale prédominante au début des années 1970 pour décrire le «mal …
Conceptualising, exploring and operationalising different meanings of social cohesion to make them useful for studying the dynamics of 'cities and social cohesion'in urban Europe …
M Ichou - Revue française de sociologie, 2013 -
Cet article a pour objectif de décrire et d'interpréter empiriquement les différences de résultats scolaires qui se constituent tout au long de la scolarité obligatoire entre enfants de …
This article investigates discrimination and the interplay of residential and ethnic stigma on the French housing market using two different methods: paired-testing audit study of real …