The indigenous societies of the Fann Mountains were and remain dependent on the resources of the natural environment. The present study aimed at investigating the …
Simple Summary Monotheca buxifolia is a wild fruit yielding tree species of the Sapotaceae family, frequently reported in northern and western parts of Pakistan. This species is highly …
A Ćwik, T Wójcik, M Ziaja, M Wójcik, K Kluska… - Forests, 2021 -
Urban water bodies are an important asset in terms of climate change. The accompanying vegetation is an integral part of the waterside space system and a source of ecosystem …
TJ Chmielewski, P Śleszyński, S Chmielewski, A Kułak - 2018 -
Zamieszczona w Ustawie o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym z 2003 r. definicja ładu przestrzennego określa go jako ukształtowanie przestrzeni, które tworzy …
The uptake of the Ecosystem Services (ES) Approach in Poland with emphasis on the drivers stimulating the research and activity of the authorities, as well as the perception of …
Known mostly in Poland, formulated by prof. Goetel, science—sozology, perfectly corresponds to today's developing pro-environmental activities. Sozology combines both …
A Ćwik, T Wójcik, G Przydział - Land, 2024 -
Forests are an important component of the natural systems of large cities. Their deficiency limits the proper functioning of these systems and creates a shortage of recreational places …
R Blazy, H Hrehorowicz-Gaber, A Hrehorowicz-Nowak… - Sustainability, 2021 -
Ecosystems have become synanthropized, and the degree of their transformation depends on their susceptibility to anthropopressure, but they are necessary for the functioning of the …
W szybko urbanizującym się świecie miasta stały się głównymi ośrodkami popytu na usługi ekosystemowe, jak również miejscami dużego wpływu na środowisko. Presja wywierana …