Optical harness and receiver for future L-band radiometer

T Mengual, P Villalba, MA Piqueras… - … on Space Optics …, 2021 - spiedigitallibrary.org
ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission was launched 2 Nov 2009 being
the first ESA satellite relying on a complete optical harness (OHA), which was initially …

Optical TDM technology for N+ 1 redundant systems in high resolution optical earth observation satellites

K Ishida, S Yoshima, A Sakamoto, T Suehiro… - IEICE …, 2020 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Optical remote sensing has been greatly expanded by the construction of satellite
constellations and improving the performance of the optical sensors. As the data throughput …

Caracterización de un sistema de generación fotónica de señales de banda G

G Peris Cuesta - 2019 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] El aumento de tráfico de datos en la red en los próximos años requerirá de unos
parámetros que la actual tecnología no va a poder cumplir. La región de sub-THz es una …

[引用][C] Characterization of a Photonic Generation System of G-band signals

GP Cuesta