[HTML][HTML] Interpreting the growth and destruction of a large long-duration solar active-region complex

V Bumba, A Garcia, S Jordan - … , v. 329, p. 1138-1144 (1998), 1998 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Interpreting the growth and destruction of a large long-duration solar active-re ADS Classic is
now deprecated. It will be completely retired in October 2019. This page will automatically …

Submergence of magnetic flux in interaction of sunspot groups

B Kálmán - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001 - aanda.org
Submergence of magnetic flux is demonstrated in the process of evolution of sunspot groups
NOAA 6850 (26 Sep.-07 Oct. 1991) and 7220/22 (06-17 July 1992). In both cases new …

Flow patterns around old sunspots and flare activity

B Kálmán - Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997 - real.mtak.hu
New magnetic flux emerges significantly more probably in already existing solar active
regions. Based on the the Debrecen Observatory photographic observations, several active …

Doppler and proper motions accompanying formation of an additional magnetic flux in the mature solar active region (NOAA 7216)

V Bumba, M Klvaňa, B Kálmán - Astronomy and Astrophysics …, 1996 - aas.aanda.org
We document the evolution of an additional magnetic flux in the photosphere of a fully
developed sunspot group, we measure longitudinal magnetic field, line-of-sight motions …

The 1991 southern hemisphere complex of activity

V Bumba, M Klvaňa, B Kálmán… - Astronomy and …, 1996 - aas.aanda.org
We have investigated the development of a complex of activity which took place in the
southern hemisphere of the Sun between July 1991 and April 1992. The whole process …

Doppler velocity measurements made with a scanning photoelectric magnetograph

V Bumba, M Klvaňa - Solar Physics, 1995 - Springer
We discuss the problems connected with the measurements and evaluation of line-of-sight
velocities, obtained with a scanning photoelectric magnetograph using a line-shifter with …

The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Ascension of the 22nd and 23rd Cycles of Activity

V Bumba, A Garcia, M Klvaňa - Solar Physics, 2000 - Springer
The first small active regions of the last two new cycles seem to be formed, in its very first,
preparatory stage, close to the equator with uncertain magnetic orientation, and as …

Local solar magnetic and velocity field development and related photospheric and chromospheric activity

V Bumba - Solar Physics, 1996 - Springer
We have compiled the results of our long-term studies of the local magnetic field and its
activity development, derived from investigating sunspot group evolution, photoelectrically …

Photospheric flows in the active regions (asymmetric and localized Doppler velocities)

DP Choudhary - Advances in space research, 2012 - Elsevier
We observed 10 active regions through their disk passage during June 25–August 25, 1988,
with the Tower Vector Magnetograph (TVM) of Marshall Space Flight Center. The TVM was …

[PDF][PDF] Napfoltok és napfoltcsoportok szerkezete és fejlődése

K Béla - real-j.mtak.hu
A „Napon látható jelek”-et először egy 3200 éves kínai jós-csont említi. Az első európai adat
szerzője a Napon látható foltokról Theofrasztosz, Arisztotelész tanítványa az Kr. e. 4 …