The Iron Age in Europe was a period of tremendous cultural dynamism, during which the values and constructs of urbanised Mediterranean civilisations clashed with alternative …
BŠ Jernejčič, P Vojaković - Quaternary International, 2020 - Elsevier
New perspectives about Late Bronze Age social relations and (in) equalities can be gained using different methodologies and different approaches from various research and scientific …
Ljudski kosturni ostaci s paljevinskog groblja na nalazištu Poljana Križevačka 2, koje se datira u razdoblje početka kasnoga brončanoga doba, podvrgnuti su detaljnoj analizi …
BŠ Jernejčič, B Toškan - Arheološki vestnik, 2017 -
V članku so predstavljena izkopavanja kamnitih gomil z žganimi pokopi na območju Vile Prah in s Koroške ceste v Kranju, ki sta jih v letu 1939 opravila R. Ložar in V. Herfort. Na …
Sažetak Vrijeme 11. st. pr. Kr. na jugu Karpatske kotline obilježila je kultura polja sa žarama. Kasnobrončanodobno groblje u Slatini, istraženo 2009. godine, prema tipološko …
M Kovač, B Toškan - Arheološki vestnik, 2017 -
Med raziskavami na poznobronastodobnem grobišču Žadovinek pri Krškem so bili v 14 izmed 25 odkritih grobov najdeni posamezni sežgani človeški ostanki. Temperatura žganja …
Presented in this thesis is the flat grave cemetery Pobrežje near Maribor, which is one of the representatives of the urnfield period cultural group Ruše. The cemetery was discovered in …
The article presents the remains of the prehistoric ceme tery on the left bank of the Ljubljanica River that were excavated in 2013 in the area of Novi trg in Ljubljana. The …
In this article we present various modes of burial and burial rites in use at the two principal cemeteries of central and western Slovenia–Ljubljana and Tolmin–in the period of the Late …