Dynamic sensorimotor interactions in locomotion

S Rossignol, R Dubuc, JP Gossard - Physiological reviews, 2006 - journals.physiology.org
Locomotion results from intricate dynamic interactions between a central program and
feedback mechanisms. The central program relies fundamentally on a genetically …

[PDF][PDF] Motor unit

CJ Heckman, RM Enoka - Comprehensive physiology, 2012 - drive.google.com
Movement is accomplished by the controlled activation of motor unit populations. Our
understanding of motor unit physiology has been derived from experimental work on the …

Neural control of stereotypic limb movements

S Rossignol - Comprehensive physiology, 1996 - cir.nii.ac.jp
< jats: title> Abstract</jats: title>< jats: p> The sections in this article are:</jats: p>< jats:
sec>< jats: title> Kinematics and Muscle Activity</jats: title>< jats: sec>< jats: title> Hindlimb …

Selfishness examined: Cooperation in the absence of egoistic incentives

LR Caporael, RM Dawes, JM Orbell… - Behavioral and Brain …, 1989 - cambridge.org
Social dilemmas occur when the pursuit of self-interest by individuals in a group leads to
less than optimal collective outcomes for everyone in the group. A critical assumption in the …

Muscle synergies encoded within the spinal cord: evidence from focal intraspinal NMDA iontophoresis in the frog

P Saltiel, K Wyler-Duda, A D'Avella… - Journal of …, 2001 - journals.physiology.org
This paper relates to the problem of the existence of muscle synergies, that is whether the
CNS command to muscles is simplified by controlling their activity in subgroups or …

Gating and reversal of reflexes in ankle muscles during human walking

J Duysens, M Trippel, GA Horstmann… - Experimental brain …, 1990 - Springer
Phase-dependent reflex modulation was studied by recording the electromyographic (EMG)
responses in ankle flexors (Tibialis Anterior, TA) and extensors (Gastrocnemius Medialis …

Dynamic control of location-specific information in tactile cutaneous reflexes from the foot during human walking

BMH Van Wezel, FAM Ottenhoff… - Journal of …, 1997 - Soc Neuroscience
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether tactile cutaneous reflexes from
the skin of the foot contain location-specific information during human walking. Muscular …

A biomechanical perspective on spinal mechanisms of coordinated muscular action: an architecture principle

TR Nichols - Cells Tissues Organs, 1994 - karger.com
A principle of organization of spinal circuitry which emerges from the studies reviewed here
is that the structure of the distributed network of pathways in the spinal cord contains a …

[PDF][PDF] The physiological control of motoneuron activity

MD Binder, CJ Heckman… - Handbook of physiology …, 1996 - researchgate.net
Patterns of Motor Output Orderly recruitment of motor units Measurement techniques
Precision and stereotypy of the normal sequence Evidence for systematic recruitment …

Contribution of cutaneous inputs from the hindpaw to the control of locomotion. I. Intact cats

LJG Bouyer, S Rossignol - Journal of neurophysiology, 2003 - journals.physiology.org
The goal of this study was to evaluate the role of hindpaw cutaneous feedback in the control
of locomotion, by cutting some (in one cat) or all (in 2 cats) cutaneous nerves bilaterally at …