F Laurenti - Comparatismi, 2017 - ledijournals.com
In fictional texts, personal names (and more generally proper nouns) are considered to be meaningful linguistic and cultural items since they often convey specific connotations to a …
This thesis seeks to develop a multi-perspective account on the complex aesthetic phenomenon that is metafiction, and aims to nuance those broad definitions of the term that …
Pataphysics, most strongly identified with French poet and playwright Alfred Jarry (1873- 1907) is an esoteric philosophy that defies rational belief systems and exults in its inutility, its …
An apparent rift exists between the anti-aesthetic emphasis in postmodern and contemporary literary theory, on the one hand, and readerly appreciations of and …
El solicitante declara conocer los términos de la convocatoria y se compromete a cumplir los requisitos de la misma, consintiendo expresamente la notificación por medios telemáticos a …