Hundreds of ancient lake basins detected on Mars via orbital remote sensing represent rare oases of hydrosphere–atmosphere–lithosphere interactions with great astrobiological …
Investigations of abiotic and biotic contributions to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are required to constrain microbial habitability in continental subsurface fluids. Here we …
The concept of a biosignature is widely used in astrobiology to suggest a link between some observation and a biological cause, given some context. The term itself has been defined …
Deep within the Precambrian basement rocks of the Earth, groundwaters can sustain subsurface microbial communities, and are targets of investigation both for geologic storage …
Geochemical and isotopic fluid signatures from a 2.9–3.2 km deep, 45–55° C temperature, hypersaline brine from Moab Khotsong gold and uranium mine in the Witwatersrand Basin …
Volcanic eruptions generate initially sterile materials where biological processes are absent, allowing for the fresh colonization by new organisms. This review summarizes the …
Lava caves, tubes, and fumaroles in Hawai 'i present a range of volcanic, oligotrophic environments from different lava flows and host unexpectedly high levels of bacterial …
Evidence of liquid water is a primary indicator of habitability on the icy moons in our outer solar system as well as on terrestrial planets such as Mars. If liquid water-containing …
This study presents mineral composition estimates of rock and sediment samples analyzed with the CheMin X-ray diffraction instrument on board the NASA Mars Science Laboratory …