Some measurements in quantum mechanics disturb each other. This has puzzled physicists since the formulation of the theory, but only in recent decades has the incompatibility of …
Entropy is a concept which appears in several fields and it is in the center of interest both in mathematical and physical subjects, sometimes even at other places, for example in …
In the context of a physical theory, two devices, A and B, described by the theory are called incompatible if the theory does not allow the existence of a third device C that would have …
R Uola, T Moroder, O Gühne - Physical review letters, 2014 - APS
The fact that not all measurements can be carried out simultaneously is a peculiar feature of quantum mechanics and is responsible for many key phenomena in the theory, such as …
Quantum steering refers to the possibility for Alice to remotely steer Bob's state by performing local measurements on her half of a bipartite system. Two necessary ingredients …
It is well known that jointly measurable observables cannot lead to a violation of any Bell inequality—independent of the state and the measurements chosen at the other site. In this …
We demonstrate that quantum incompatibility can always be detected by means of a state discrimination task with partial intermediate information. This is done by showing that only …
Whether positive operator-valued measures (POVMs) provide advantages in demonstrating Bell nonlocality has remained unknown, even in the simple scenario of Einstein-Podolsky …
We prove that given any two general probabilistic theories (GPTs) the following are equivalent:(i) each theory is nonclassical, meaning that neither of their state spaces is a …