Product portfolio management process over horizontal and vertical portfolios

A Tolonen, J Harkonen, M Verkasalo… - … journal of product …, 2015 -
This study aims to extend the product portfolio management (PPM) practices to cover all
lifecycle phases and product portfolio layers by the means of comprehensively analysing the …

[PDF][PDF] Project Lifecycle Management (PLM): evolution and state of the art

DS Santos, DARS Farina, AL Fleury - Product: Management & …, 2020 -
Intelligent manufacturing has produced a revolutionary change, mainly driven by the current
competitive world, reinforcing the importance of inserting Product Lifecycle Management …

Product portfolio management over horizontal and vertical portfolios

A Tolonen - 2016 -
Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus selventää tuoteportfolion hallintaan liittyviä edellytyksiä ja
haasteita, sekä laajentaa tuoteportfolion hallintamallia, suorituskyvyn johtamista ja …

Modelo de referência do gêmeo digital no ciclo de vida do produto.

DS Facchini - 2023 -
O gêmeo digital é uma tecnologia emergente que busca integrar a representação digital ao
seu respectivo artefato físico. Na academia, por ser uma tecnologia recente, ainda há uma …