Machine learning methods for forest image analysis and classification: A survey of the state of the art

C Kwenda, M Gwetu, JVF Dombeu - IEEE Access, 2022 -
The advent of modern remote sensors alongside the development of advanced parallel
computing has significantly transformed both the theoretical and real implementation …

Ontodta: ontology-guided decision tree assistance

K Benali, SA Rahal - Journal of Information & Knowledge …, 2017 - World Scientific
The effective application of a Decision Tree (DT) process is beset with many difficult and
technical decisions about the choice of algorithms, parameters, evaluation, etc. Therefore …

Ontology enhancement through inductive decision trees

B Gajderowicz, A Sadeghian, M Soutchanski - International Workshop on …, 2008 - Springer
The popularity of ontologies for representing the semantics behind many real-world domains
has created a growing pool of ontologies on various topics. Different ontologists, experts …

Exploitation de l'isomorphisme de graphes et de l'alignement d'ontologies pour enrichir les objets logiciels de connaissances sémantiques: Application aux objets …

A Dahhani - 2023 -
Cette thèse aborde l'intégration de l'intelligence artificielle dans le monde réel, tout en
respectant le concept de la technologie calme. À cette fin, le «Wise Object Framework» qui …

Ympäristöolosuhdetiedon kehittynyt analytiikka ja tieliikenteenhallinta

O Mononen - 2021 -
Liikenteen toimiala on syvässä murroksessa, mikä johtuu liikenteen digitalisaatioasteen
voimakkaasta noususta sekä uusista liikenteen trendeistä. Murros rikkoo liikenteen …

CCMF, Computational Context Modeling Framework–An Ontological Approach to Develop Context-Aware Web Applications

LP Carvalho, PC da Silva - SEMANTICS IN ACTION …, 2012 -
The purpose of software is to help people to perform their activities and fulfill their objectives.
In this regard, the human-software relationship could be enhanced if software could adapt to …

Scalable software framework for real-time data processing in the railway environment

S Verstichel, W Kerckhove, T Dupont… - … Applications of Big …, 2018 -
To this day, railway actors obtain information by actively hunting for relevant data in various
places. Despite the availability of a variety of travel-related data sources, accurate delivery of …