Background: Education researchers use quantitative methodologies to examine generalizable correlational trends or causal mechanisms in phenomena or behaviors …
A Godwin - Studies in Engineering Education, 2020 -
This response to Julie Martin and Chavone Garza's article published in Studies in Engineering Education,“Centering the Marginalized Student's Voice Through …
Imagine a student using an intelligent tutoring system. A researcher records the correctness and time of each of your attempts at solving a math problem, nothing more. With no names …
As the need for a well-trained science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce continuously grows, the need for science majors—including geoscience majors …
Often prevalent in the sciences, undergraduate research experiences (UREs) are highly beneficial engaged learning experiences in higher education. Though the benefits of UREs …
Background: There is limited research exploring the experiences of engineering education scholars transitioning into faculty positions. It is an opportune time to explore these …
This research category work-in-progress paper describes a beginning examination of how to adapt the identity trajectory theory from its original use with graduate students and early …
Students often have limited perceptions of what it means to be or think like an engineer. Often this perception stems from social norms and the culture of engineering that …