Projective measurements in random quantum circuits lead to a rich breadth of entanglement phases and extend the realm of nonunitary quantum dynamics. Here, we explore the …
Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are known for their robust topological order and possess properties that are appealing for applications in fault-tolerant quantum computing …
We study light-matter interactions in the bulk of a two-dimensional photonic lattice system, where photons are subject to the combined effect of a synthetic magnetic field and an …
Recent atomic physics experiments and numerical works have reported complementary signatures of the emergence of a topological quantum spin liquid in models with blockade …
Arrays of highly excited Rydberg atoms can be used as powerful quantum simulation platforms. Here, we introduce an approach that makes it possible to implement fully …
Although quantum simulation can give insight into elusive or intractable physical phenomena, many quantum simulators are unavoidably limited in the models they mimic …
Motivated by the search for chiral spin liquids (CSL), we consider a simple model defined on the kagome lattice of interacting SU (3) spins (in the fundamental representation) including …
We show that the nonlinear transport of bosonic excitations in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of spin-orbit-coupled Rydberg atoms gives rise to disordered quantum …
Chiral spin liquids (CSL) based on spin-1/2 fermionic projected entangled pair states (fPEPS) are considered on the square lattice. First, fPEPS approximants of Gutzwiller …