Synthesis of terminal alkenes from internal alkenes via olefin metathesis

Y Schrodi, RL Pederson, H Kaido, MJ Tupy - US Patent 8,501,973, 2013 - Google Patents
3.59. A 92. Ea. lyzed by an olefin metathesis catalyst. According to one 570.29 s. A 1/1998
Grubbs et al. aspect, for example, a method is provided for synthesizing a 5,728,785 A 3 …

Methods of making organic compounds by metathesis

TW Abraham, H Kaido, CW Lee, RL Pederson… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
US9120742B2 - Methods of making organic compounds by metathesis - Google Patents
US9120742B2 - Methods of making organic compounds by metathesis - Google Patents …

Metathesis syntheses of pheromones or their components

RL Pederson, RH Grubbs - US Patent 6,696,597, 2004 - Google Patents
The present invention relates to metathesis syntheses for insect sex-attractant pheromones
or their components, such as E-5-decenyl acetate, the major component of the Peach Twig …

Method of making hydrogenated metathesis products

MJ Tupy, F Amore, H Kaido, X Meng - US Patent 8,115,021, 2012 - Google Patents
Disclosed is a method of making hydrogenated metathesis products comprising the steps
of:(a) providing a metathesis composition;(b) providing a metathesis catalyst comprising a …

Method for making industrial chemicals

JR Millis, MJ Tupy, TW Abraham… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
5,728,785 5,728,917 5,750,815 5,811,515 5,831, 108 5,849,851 5,880,231 5,917,071
5,922,863 5,939.504 5,969,170 5,977,393 6,020,443 6,040,363 6,060,304 6,080,826 …

Synthesis of terminal alkenes from internal alkenes and ethylene via olefin metathesis

Y Schrodi - US Patent 8,067,610, 2011 - Google Patents
537283785 A 3/1998 Grubbs et 31: more particularly relates to the synthesis of terminal
alkenes 5,728,917 A 3/1998 Grubbs et al. from internal alkenes using a cross-metathesis …

Synthesis of terminal alkenes from internal alkenes via olefin metathesis

Y Schrodi, RL Pederson, H Kaido, MJ Tupy - US Patent 8,569,560, 2013 - Google Patents
5,142,072 A 8/1992 Stipp et al. 5,312.940 A 5, 1994 Grubbs et al. 5,710,298 A 1/1998
Grubbs et al. 5,728,785 A 3, 1998 Grubbs et al. 5,728,917 A 3, 1998 Grubbs et al. 5,750,815 …

Ring opening cross-metathesis reaction of cyclic olefins with seed oils and the like

CW Lee - US Patent 8,067,623, 2011 - Google Patents
2003/0207971 A1 11/2003 Stuart, Jr. et al. 2003/0236377 A1 12/2003 Choi et al. 6,262,153
B1 7/2001 Webster et a1. 2004/0047886 A1 3/2004 Murphy 'ital 6,281,163 B1@ 2001 Van …

Impurity inhibition in olefin metathesis reactions

BP Paulson, RL Pederson - US Patent 6,900,347, 2005 - Google Patents
6,376,690 B1 4/2002 Grubbs et al................. 556/21 (57) ABSTRACT FOREIGN PATENT
DOCUMENTS Reaction mixtures and methods using catalysts and reaction WO WO …

Methods of making organic compounds by metathesis and hydrocyanation

TW Abraham, H Kaido, CW Lee, RL Pederson… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
6,486,264 B1 6,525,125 B1 2, 2003 6,583,236 B1 6, 2003 6,610,626 B2 8, 2003 6,613,910
B2 9, 2003 6,620.955 B1 9, 2003 6,696,597 B2 2, 2004 6,759,537 B2 T/2004 6,794,534 B2 …