Mauritius has rich eggplant genetic resources with important implication for research and conservation. Heterogeneity in pedoclimatic condition and farmers selection have resulted …
Spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) is an African indigenous vegetable with great potential to improve food and nutritional security and incomes among resource-poor communities in …
Son yıllarda tarım arazilerinin yoğun kullanımı sebebiyle toprak kaynaklı hastalık ve zararlılarla daha fazla karşılaşılmaktadır. Buna bağlı olarak aşılı fide kullanımı giderek …
G Poșta, V Berar, M Balint - 2012 -
Eggplant is cultivated for its fruit consumed upon maturity; it is used in the preparation of different dishes such as salads, moussaka, potlatch, and stuffed eggplants. Productivity is …
The Evaluation studies of Identified Pudukkottai local Brinjal was conducted during 2018- 2019 in Agricultural College & Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai of Pudukkottai district of …
African leafy vegetables (ALVs) are vegetables that are locally consumed and whose edible parts include leaves, young shoots and flowers. They have a crucial role in enhancing food …
An experiment was conducted during the period from November 2015 to April 2016 in rabi season in the experimental area of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla …