There is a strong temptation to individually acknowledge everyone who has helped me reach this point. Unfortunately, any such list would be much too long and it appears …
LA Reisch - German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006 -
European agricultural policy has undergone profound changes during the past decade. The nucleus of this reform has been the transformation of the agricultural and food policy from a …
There is a strong temptation to individually acknowledge everyone who has helped me reach this point. Unfortunately, any such list would be much too long and it appears …
The intervening objectives of pension systems are to address the risks of poverty, to redistribute income and to induce individuals to accrue more savings for the …
False information on the internet is one of the important global agendas. It becomes much more intensive since the rise of social media uses. The information leads people to have …
CG Brunk - La santé publique -
Dès le début de ce projet de livre visant la réticence à la vaccination, l'équipe de chercheurs a rencontré un groupe d'experts et d'intervenants bien informées. Nous avons entendu des …
In der europäischen Agrarpolitik sind im letzten Jahrzehnt tief greifende Veränderungen vor sich gegangen. Kern der Veränderung ist eine Loslösung vom Primat der …