The language of poetry often uses distinctive languages and contains many signs. This requires special studies, including semiotic studies. This study aims to analyze the Arabic …
AD Melani, L Rosyidah, DR Putra… - Haluan Sastra Budaya, 2021 -
This study aims to describe a sign and implied meaning in Surtikanti's Geguritan Iki Gurite Sepi poetry. The approach used in this study is a semiotic approach based on Michael …
E Yusriansyah, NA Sari - Prosiding Seminar Nasional Linguistik …, 2020 -
“Dialog Beliant” is one poem which is included in the collected of ethnography poem book Luka Sebuah Negeri written By M. Junus Melalatoa. It is a kind of aesthetic response of …
L Sugestian, YY Taum - Salingka, 2024 -
This research aims to uncover the overall meaning of the poem Jurang Musim and to prove that the comprehensive meaning of this poem cannot be determined solely through the …
Poetry can be used as am The theory of semiotic Riff of “budi pekerti” mind co methodology this is descr indirectness expression by the deflection the meanin meaning of language …
“Dialog beliatnt” merupakan salah satu sajak yang terhimpun dalam buku kumpulan puisi etnografi Luka Sebuah Negeri karya M. Junus Melalatoa. Sajak tersebut merupakan respon …
I Firdausah - Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2021 -
Objek kajian tulisan ini adalah lirik lagu―Lā Tabki yā Ṣaghīrī‖ yang merupakan soundtrack film Abṭalu Dīgital, sebuah film yang sangat populer di tahun 2000-an …
KEP Setiaw, JI Sutami, A Surak -
Poetry can be used as a medium int The theory of semiotic Riffaterre can b of “budi pekerti” mind contained in methodology this is descriptive quali indirectness expression by replacing …
MH Diponegoro - Al Iman: Jurnal Keislaman dan …, 2017 -
Dalam paradigma seni sastra dan Islam, konsep baku seni sastra dalam perspektif Islam belum disepakati secara menyeluruh. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena adanya perdebatan …