E Mussinelli, A Tartaglia, D Fanzini… - Regeneration of the …, 2020 - library.oapen.org
Starting from a PRIN 2015 study, the paper addresses the themes of adding value to public spaces, quality to the urban landscape, redeveloping degraded areas and proposing a …
Con la formazione di spazi pubblici allestiti nelle forme tendenzialmente scenografiche e spettacolari del marketing design (nei fatti del tutto privatizzati e interclusi in grandi …
The quality of built environment is linked to the space in-between buildings and considers its formal, environmental and use values, due to specific needs for care and project re …
A Battisti, E Mussinelli, M Rigillo - TECHNE-Journal of Technology …, 2020 - oaj.fupress.net
Despite having manifested themselves in different forms, ways and times in the different places around the world, all the substantial transformations, that our cities and metropolitan …
D Fanzini, G Venturini - Reactivation of the Built Environment: From Theory …, 2022 - Springer
The chapter presents the theoretical aspects that led to the urban reactivation definition and conceptualization. The analysis contains premises for the definition of the project …
F Angelucci, V Lusi - CLUSTER ACCESSIBILITÀ AMBIENTALE, 2023 - ricerca.unich.it
IT) Il perdurare della condizione di policrisi in cui versano le città, per gli effetti del climate change, della recessione economica, del lavoro a distanza, sta modificando le modalità …
E Paudice, G Luciani - CLUSTER ACCESSIBILITÀ AMBIENTALE, 2023 - iris.uniroma1.it
In the contemporary, fragmented and individualistic city, public space is crossed rather than experienced, as the dynamics of movement prevail over the condition of being. The …
F Angelucci - UPLanD-Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & …, 2020 - serena.unina.it
With the disintegration of the Fordist city and the start of a new cycle of building densification, the unbuilt urban environment is assuming the connotation of a transitional space. Among …
La strategia per una mobilità sostenibile e intelligente del dicembre 2020 dalla Commissione Europea definisce l'allineamento del settore dei trasporti al Green Deal …