Ai-assisted game debugging with cicero

T Machado, D Gopstein, A Nealen… - 2018 IEEE Congress …, 2018 -
We present Cicero, a mixed-initiative application for prototyping two-dimensional sprite-
based games across different genres such as shooters, puzzles, and action games. Cicero …

[PDF][PDF] Development of cognitive and neurodynamic function of 6-year-old children using the integrated application of the game of Go and exercise of game character

Z Kozina, E Abrosimov, D Safronov… - Journal of Physical …, 2018 -
The purpose of the work is to identify the features of the dynamics of cognitive and
neurodynamic functions of children 6 years old when using the game of Go in combination …

A robust algorithm for go image recognition in go game

J Song, S Li - 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on …, 2018 -
In this paper, image of go game recognition is proposed based on Hough transform
algorithm. Firstly, preprocess the go image to reduce the amount of noise. Secondly, locate …

[PDF][PDF] Kwiri-What, When, Where and Who: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Game But Didn't Know How to Ask.

T Machado, D Gopstein, A Nealen, J Togelius - KEG@ AAAI, 2019 -
We designed Kwiri, a query system, as a support tool for an AI Game Design Assistant. With
our tool we allow users to query for game events in terms of what (was the event), when (did …

조도변화와바둑돌미세위치변화를고려한CHT 기반의자동바둑기보시스템

박동진, 전경구 - 정보과학회논문지: 소프트웨어및응용, 2014 -
본 논문에서는 영상처리를 통해 바둑대국의 기보를 자동으로 기록하는 시스템을 개발한다.
자동바둑기보생성을 위해 두 가지 시도가 있었다. 첫째는 바둑판 위의 교차점들을 검출하는 …

[PDF][PDF] Поєднання гри Го і фізичних вправ як фактор розвитку когнітивних і нейродинамічних функцій дітей 6 років

ЄО Абросімов, ЖЛ Козіна, СВ Козін - Health, sport, rehabilitation, 2018 -
Анотація Мета роботи–виявити вплив застосування гри Го в сполученні з фізичними
вправами на показники когнітивних і нейродинамічних властивостей дітей 6 років …

[PDF][PDF] Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) 기반자동바둑기보시스템

박동진, 전경구 - 멀티미디어학회논문지, 2014 -
This paper develops an automatic go recording system based on image processing. We use
Random Sample Consensus to detect the circular shape of stone and propose a set of …


서원성, 정기철 - 한국게임학회논문지, 2020 -
현재 수기로 진행하는 오프라인 바둑 대국의 기보 입력 자동화를 위해서, 대국 현장에서 직접
사용할 전용 임베디드 보드를 이용한 시스템이 필요하다. 본 논문은 임베디드 보드의 영상처리 …

[PDF][PDF] Optical Game Position Recognition in the Board Game of Go

T Musil -
It is customary to keep a written game record of professional or highrank amateur
tournament games of Go. Even informal games are worth recording for subsequent analysis …

Rozpoznávání pozic deskové hry go z fotografií

T Musil - 2014 -
It is customary to keep a written game record of professional or high-rank amateur
tournament games of Go. Even informal games are worth recording for subsequent analysis …