The $\ell $-deck of a graph $ G $ is the multiset of all induced subgraphs of $ G $ on $\ell $ vertices. We say that a graph is reconstructible from its $\ell $-deck if no other graph has the …
This thesis explores the difficulties of capturing graph structure, and the recent approaches that have been able to do so effectively in some settings. The famous Graph Reconstruction …
This thesis work deals with the problem of learning the topology of a network starting from the signals emitted by the network nodes while executing some distributed processing task …
A classical notion in graph theory is that of the block-cut vertex tree of a graph. It tells us that if we consider the maximal 2-connected components of a connected graph G then they are …
A simple graph is given by a set of vertices V and a set of edges E, where each element of E consists of two distinct elements of V. We do not allow self-loops or multiple edges between …
E Dantsin - EPiC Series in Computing, 2020 -
It is a long-standing problem in graph theory to prove or disprove the reconstruction conjecture, also known as the Kelly-Ulam conjecture. This conjecture states that every …
We say that two graphs G and H are (vertex-) hypomorphic if there exists a bijection ϕ between the vertices of G and H such that the induced subgraphs G− v and H− ϕ (v) are …
We begin with a brief introduction to the chromatic and Tutte polynomial of graphs. We then give an introduction to Hopf algebras. In combinatorics, Hopf algebras arise since many …
Nous livrons d'abord un prolongement et une mise à jour de l'article [10] en explorant de nouvelles propriétés des chaînes insécables. Nous montrons la Halin-reconstructibilité des …