Why involve families in acute mental healthcare? A collaborative conceptual review

A Dirik, S Sandhu, D Giacco, K Barrett, G Bennison… - BMJ open, 2017 - bmjopen.bmj.com
Objectives Family involvement is strongly recommended in clinical guidelines but suffers
from poor implementation. To explore this topic at a conceptual level, a multidisciplinary …

Social construction in context

KJ Gergen - 2001 - torrossa.com
It was over 15 years ago that John Shotter and I began to discuss the need for an intellectual
sinew that might bind together the sweeping dialogues of discontent in the social sciences …

Psychological science in a postmodern context.

KJ Gergen - American psychologist, 2001 - psycnet.apa.org
Postmodern scholarship poses significant challenges to pivotal assumptions of individual
knowledge, objectivity, and truth. In their place, an emphasis is placed on the communal …

[图书][B] Relational responsibility: Resources for sustainable dialogue

S McNamee, KJ Gergen - 1999 - books.google.com
Questioning the tradition of individual responsibility, this pioneering book also transforms the
concept of responsibility by giving centre stage to the relational process rather than to the …

The open dialogue approach to acute psychosis: Its poetics and micropolitics

J Seikkula, ME Olson - Family process, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
In Finland, a network‐based, language approach to psychiatric care has emerged, called
“Open Dialogue.” It draws on Bakhtin's dialogical principles (Bakhtin, 1984) and is rooted in …

Five-year experience of first-episode nonaffective psychosis in open-dialogue approach: Treatment principles, follow-up outcomes, and two case studies

J Seikkula, J Aaltonen, B Alakare… - Psychotherapy …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The open dialogue (OD) family and network approach aims at treating psychotic patients in
their homes. The treatment involves the patient's social network and starts within 24 hr after …

Collaborative relationships and dialogic conversations: Ideas for a relationally responsive practice

H Anderson - Family process, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The author presents a set of philosophical assumptions that provide a different language for
thinking about and responding to the persistent questions:“How can our therapy practices …

[图书][B] Dialoginen verkostotyö

TE Arnkil, J Seikkula - 2009 - julkari.fi
Kädessäsi on uusittu painos kirjastamme, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran 2005. Vaikka
kirjan julkaisualallakin ajat muuttuvat nopeasti, mielestämme kolme vuotta sitten julkaistu ei …

[图书][B] Collaborative therapy: Relationships and conversations that make a difference

H Anderson, DR Gehart - 2007 - books.google.com
As the number of postmodern theoretical contributions to the literature of psychology has
grown, so have postmodernism's appeals and recognitions of its relevance. Many of these …

[图书][B] Dialogical meetings in social networks

TE Arnkil - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This book describes and analyses two dialogic network practices:'Open Dialogues'-
developed for use in psychiatric crisis situations-and'Anticipation Dialogues'-used in less …