Potential applications and performance of machine learning techniques and algorithms in clinical practice: a systematic review

EM Nwanosike, BR Conway, HA Merchant… - International journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Purpose The advent of clinically adapted machine learning algorithms can solve numerous
problems ranging from disease diagnosis and prognosis to therapy recommendations. This …

Artificial intelligence for clinical decision support in sepsis

M Wu, X Du, R Gu, J Wei - Frontiers in Medicine, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Sepsis is one of the main causes of death in critically ill patients. Despite the continuous
development of medical technology in recent years, its morbidity and mortality are still high …

Deep ROC analysis and AUC as balanced average accuracy, for improved classifier selection, audit and explanation

AM Carrington, DG Manuel, PW Fieguth… - … on Pattern Analysis …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Optimal performance is desired for decision-making in any field with binary classifiers and
diagnostic tests, however common performance measures lack depth in information. The …

Explainable machine-learning model for prediction of in-hospital mortality in septic patients requiring intensive care unit readmission

C Hu, L Li, Y Li, F Wang, B Hu, Z Peng - Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 2022 - Springer
Introduction Septic patients requiring intensive care unit (ICU) readmission are at high risk of
mortality, but research focusing on the association of ICU readmission due to sepsis and …

The accuracy of machine learning approaches using non-image data for the prediction of COVID-19: A meta-analysis

KM Kuo, PC Talley, CS Chang - International journal of medical informatics, 2022 - Elsevier
Objective COVID-19 is a novel, severely contagious disease with enormous negative impact
on humanity as well as the world economy. An expeditious, feasible tool for detecting COVID …

Machine learning for the prediction of sepsis-related death: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Y Zhang, W Xu, P Yang, A Zhang - BMC Medical Informatics and Decision …, 2023 - Springer
Background and objectives Sepsis is accompanied by a considerably high risk of mortality in
the short term, despite the availability of recommended mortality risk assessment tools …

Deep ROC analysis and AUC as balanced average accuracy to improve model selection, understanding and interpretation

AM Carrington, DG Manuel, PW Fieguth… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
Optimal performance is critical for decision-making tasks from medicine to autonomous
driving, however common performance measures may be too general or too specific. For …

Development and validation of a score to predict mortality in ICU patients with sepsis: a multicenter retrospective study

J Weng, R Hou, X Zhou, Z Xu, Z Zhou, P Wang… - Journal of translational …, 2021 - Springer
Background Early and accurate identification of septic patients at high risk for ICU mortality
can help clinicians make optimal clinical decisions and improve the patients' outcomes. This …

Predicting sepsis onset in ICU using machine learning models: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Z Yang, X Cui, Z Song - BMC infectious diseases, 2023 - Springer
Background Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by an abnormal response of the
body to infection and imposes a significant health and economic burden worldwide due to its …

A time-incorporated SOFA score-based machine learning model for predicting mortality in critically ill patients: a multicenter, real-world study

Y Liu, K Gao, H Deng, T Ling, J Lin, X Yu, X Bo… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Background Organ dysfunction (OD) assessment is essential in intensive care units (ICUs).
However, current OD assessment scores merely describe the number and the severity of …