The earthquake catalogues for Turkey

O Tan, MC Tapirdamaz, A Yörük - Turkish Journal of Earth …, 2008 -
The earthquake data from instrumental records in the last 40 years indicate the general
seismicity of the earth. However, examining historical records is necessary to understand …

The geometry of the Wadati–Benioff zone and lithospheric kinematics in the Hellenic arc

BC Papazachos, VG Karakostas, CB Papazachos… - Tectonophysics, 2000 - Elsevier
Accurate locations of 961 shallow and intermediate depth earthquakes, which occurred
between 1956 and 1995 in the Hellenic arc (34–39° N, 19–28° E), are used to define the …

The Cephalonia transform fault and its extension to western Lefkada Island (Greece)

E Louvari, AA Kiratzi, BC Papazachos - Tectonophysics, 1999 - Elsevier
The central area of the Ionian Islands is dominated by the existence of a major tectonic
structure called the Cephalonia Transform Fault (CTF). Its main part (Cephalonia segment) …

Focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding lands determined by waveform modelling: a new database

A Kiratzi, E Louvari - Journal of Geodynamics, 2003 - Elsevier
Source parameters for 40 earthquakes with epicentres in the Aegean Sea and the
surrounding lands have been determined using P and SH body waveform inversion of …

[PDF][PDF] Fault plane solutions in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding area and their tectonic implication

EK Louvari - Boll. Geof. teor. appl, 1998 -
Fault plane solutions for 127 earthquakes, of magnitude M 2 55 and shallow focal depth (h-
60 km), which occurred in the Aegean Sea and surrounding area (34 N-43 N, 18 E-30" E) …

Late Cainozoic geodynamic evolution of Thessaly and surroundings (central-northern Greece)

R Caputo, S Pavlides - Tectonophysics, 1993 - Elsevier
In the framework of the late Alpide deformation of Greece and of the recent and active
extensional tectonism of the Aegean region, the geotectonic evolution of the Thessaly region …

The Greek Database of Seismogenic Sources (GreDaSS): state-of-the-art for northern Greece

R Caputo, A Chatzipetros, S Pavlides… - Annals of …, 2012 -
Abstract The Greek Database of Seismogenic Sources (GreDaSS) is a repository of
geological, tectonic and active-fault data for the Greek territory and its surroundings. In this …

Western Hellenic subduction and Cephalonia Transform: local earthquakes and plate transport and strain

M Sachpazi, A Hirn, C Clément, F Haslinger, M Laigle… - Tectonophysics, 2000 - Elsevier
Focal parameters of local earthquakes in the region of the Ionian Islands of western Greece
are constrained with a temporary dense array of three-component seismographs operated …

Earthquake mechanisms of the Adriatic Sea and Western Greece: implications for the oceanic subduction-continental collision transition

C Baker, DL Hatzfeld, H Lyon-Caen… - Geophysical Journal …, 1997 -
We present 21 focal solutions (magnitude> 5.5) reliably computed by body-wave modelling
for the western Hellenic arc from Yugoslavia to the southern Peloponnese. Mechanisms …

Contemporary crustal stress of the Greek region deduced from earthquake focal mechanisms

V Kapetanidis, I Kassaras - Journal of Geodynamics, 2019 - Elsevier
A massive dataset of over 1900 focal mechanisms of crustal earthquakes with M≥ 3.5 in the
Greek region was employed to resolve the contemporary stress-field using a damped least …