[图书][B] Chokepoints: Global private regulation on the Internet

N Tusikov - 2016 - books.google.com
In January 2012, millions participated in the now-infamous “Internet blackout” against the
Stop Online Piracy Act, protesting the power it would have given intellectual property holders …

[图书][B] Power, information technology, and international relations theory: The power and politics of US Foreign policy and internet

DR McCarthy - 2015 - Springer
2 Power, Information Technology, and International Relations Theory brought about a new
realization of the destructive impact of human technological capabilities. Hans Morgenthau …

Geopolitics in the infrastructural ideology of 5G

Maxigas, N ten Oever - Global Media and China, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper explores how infrastructural ideologies function as tools in geopolitical struggles
for dependence and independence between world powers. Meese et al.(2020) suggest that …

Digitalisation and human security dimensions in cybersecurity: An appraisal for the European High North

M Salminen, K Hossain - Polar Record, 2018 - cambridge.org
Overarching digitalisation is producing significant socio-cultural, economic and policy
changes in the European High North. These changes create new opportunities, but also …

Introduction: Technology in world politics

DR McCarthy - Technology and world politics, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
It would be difficult to overestimate the place of technology in our daily lives. From the
moment we wake in the morning (assisted by alarm clocks) to trips to work or school on …

Social construction of technology: 24How objects acquire meaning in society

M Manjikian - Technology and world politics, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
25Ask any analyst to gaze into the future and describe what life will be like in ten or twenty
years and, chances are, that analyst will reference technology somewhere in that answer …

The Rise of China and Global Internet Governance.

Y Liu - China Media Research, 2012 - search.ebscohost.com
Since the 1980s, the exponential increase in usage of new information and communication
technologies has necessitated the worldwide governance of Internet through globally …

Remembering Netizens: an interview with Ronda Hauben, co-author of Netizens: on the history and impact of Usenet and the Internet (1997)

T Miller, C Paloque-Bergès, A Dame-Griff - Internet Histories, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Netizens, Michael and Ronda Hauben's foundational treatise on Usenet and the
Internet, was first published in print 25 years ago. In this piece, we trace the history and …

[PDF][PDF] 全球网络治理机制: 演变, 冲突与前景

刘杨钺 - 国际论坛, 2012 - niis.cass.cn
随着互联网技术及其应用的迅速推广, 如何管理互联网已经成为全球治理新的课题.
本文回顾了网络治理机制从最初的个人管理方式, 到美国主导下的互联网名称与数字地址分配 …

[PDF][PDF] 国际政治中的网络安全: 理论视角与观点争鸣

刘杨钺 - 外交评论(外交学院学报), 2015 - library.ttcdw.com
摘要科学准确地评估网络安全对国际政治的影响, 是新世纪以来国际关系和战略研究面临的重要
课题. 然而, 在这个问题上学术界并没有形成共识, 而是出现了日益明显的争论与分歧 …