The Rise and Fall of Unconsciounability as the Law of the Poor

A Fleming - Geo. LJ, 2013 - HeinOnline
In July 1967, Judge Skelly Wright was hopeful about the future of unconscionability.'
President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty was well underway, and battalions of …

A short treatise on esports and the law: How America regulates its next national pastime

JT Holden, M Edelman, TA Baker III - U. Ill. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
In May 2018, more than 127 million fans from around the world tuned in to watch the China-
based Royal Never Give Up defeat Korea's Kingzone DragonX 3-1 to win the 2018 …

Finding Room for Fairness in Formalism-The Sliding Scale Approach to Unconscionability

MT Lonegrass - Loy. U. Chi. LJ, 2012 - HeinOnline
Cell phones. Home mortgages. Online music. Health insurance. Vacation packages.
Employment. Standard form contracts are used to secure luxuries and necessities alike …

Strategic contracting: contract law as a source of competitive advantage

LA DiMatteo - American Business Law Journal, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Any comprehensive, value-maximizing business strategy incorporates the legal function into
the planning process. 4 The management literature has recognized the importance of law in …

The modern law of corporate groups: An empirical study of piercing the corporate veil in the parent-subsidiary context

JH Matheson - NCL Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
The limited liability entity called the" corporation" has been both reveled and reviled. One
early commentator described it as" the greatest single discovery of modern times," so that"[e] …

Redundancy: When law repeats itself

JM Golden - TEx. L. REv., 2015 - HeinOnline
The idea that law should generally be understood or designed to minimize redundancy is a
force in legal reasoning. Judges frequently cite anti-redundancy principles in interpreting …

Fiduciary boilerplate: Locating fiduciary relationships in information age consumer transactions

LH Scholz - J. Corp. L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Many consumer-firm relationships in the information age have come to resemble fiduciary
relationships, yet American law has failed to recognize this new reality, leaving the …

Contracting in the Age of the Internet of Things: Article 2 of the UCC and Beyond

SA Elvy - Hofstra L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
The commercial and contract law implications of the Internet of Things ('JOT") have been
under-explored in legal scholarship.'The IOT is a network of products, systems, and …

Boilerplate Collusion: Clause Aggregation, Antitrust Law & Contract Governance

O Lobel - Minn. L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
" The whole, though larger than any of its parts, does not necessarily obscure their separate
identities."-United States v. Powers 1 Contract clauses should be assessed in relation to …

The role of the state in contract law: The common-civil law divide

M Pargendler - Yale J. Int'l L., 2018 - HeinOnline
How do the laws of contract differ across jurisdictions? This question has attracted a
tremendous amount of interest over time. In fact, for most of the history of comparative law as …