Using performance indicators to improve health care quality in the public sector: a review of the literature

T Freeman - Health Services Management Research, 2002 -
Given the increasing importance of performance indicators in current UK health policy, this
paper provides a systematic review of empirical and theoretical writings concerning their use …

[HTML][HTML] Indicadores de calidad y eficiencia de los servicios hospitalarios: Una mirada actual

RE Jiménez Paneque - Revista cubana de salud pública, 2004 -
La definición de buena calidad de los servicios de salud es difícil y ha sido objeto de
muchos acercamientos. Desde el punto de vista de los gestores o administradores de la …

Methodological concerns and recommendations on policy consequences of the World Health Report 2000

C Almeida, P Braveman, MR Gold, CL Szwarcwald… - The Lancet, 2001 -
Key informants provided the judgments used to rank the countries on health-system
responsiveness overall and on inequality in responsiveness. Although there were 1791 …

[PDF][PDF] Mirror, mirror on the wall: an international update on the comparative performance of American health care

K Davis, C Schoen, SC Schoenbaum… - New York: The …, 2007 -
Despite having the most costly health system in the world, the United States consistently
underperforms on most dimensions of performance, relative to other countries. This report …

Can health care quality indicators be transferred between countries?

MN Marshall, PG Shekelle, EA McGlynn… - BMJ Quality & …, 2003 -
Objective: To evaluate the transferability of primary care quality indicators by comparing
indicators for common clinical problems developed using the same method in the UK and …

Pesquisa Mundial de Saúde 2003: o Brasil em números

CL Szwarcwald, F Viacava, MTL Vasconcellos… - 2004 -
Apresenta dados exclusivos da extensa Pesquisa Mundial de Saúde 2003, uma iniciativa
da Organização Mundial de Saúde para 71 países, cuja execução no Brasil foi entregue a …

Quality initiatives: key performance indicators for measuring and improving radiology department performance

HH Abujudeh, R Kaewlai, BA Asfaw, JH Thrall - Radiographics, 2010 -
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are financial and nonfinancial measures that are used to
define and evaluate the success of an organization. KPIs differ, depending on the nature of …

Clinical performance measurement: part 2—avoiding the pitfalls

M Goddard, HTO Davies, D Dawson… - Journal of the royal …, 2002 -
In part 1 of this paper we explored what aspects of performance should be measured and
how1. The key to success is to maximize the beneficial consequences while minimizing the …

Avoidable mortality in the United States and Canada, 1980–1996

DG Manuel, Y Mao - American journal of public health, 2002 -
Avoidable Mortality in the United States and Canada, 1980–1996 | AJPH | Vol. 92 Issue 9
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Measuring the efficiency of health systems: The World Health Report sets the agenda, but there's still a long way to go

M McKee - BMJ, 2001 -
In June 2000 the World Health Organization provided a long awaited answer to the question
beloved of politicians and journalists:“How does the health system in country X compare …