Random walks: A review of algorithms and applications

F Xia, J Liu, H Nie, Y Fu, L Wan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A random walk is known as a random process which describes a path including a
succession of random steps in the mathematical space. It has increasingly been popular in …

The use of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems: A systematic review

I Portugal, P Alencar, D Cowan - Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
Recommender systems use algorithms to provide users with product or service
recommendations. Recently, these systems have been using machine learning algorithms …

[PDF][PDF] 个性化推荐系统的研究进展

刘建国, 周涛, 汪秉宏 - 自然科学进展, 2009 - nsfc.gov.cn
摘要互联网技术的迅猛发展把我们带进了信息爆炸的时代. 海量信息的同时呈现,
一方面使用户很难从中发现自己感兴趣的部分, 另一方面也使得大量少人问津的信息成为网络中 …

Artificial intelligence in recommender systems

Q Zhang, J Lu, Y Jin - Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021 - Springer
Recommender systems provide personalized service support to users by learning their
previous behaviors and predicting their current preferences for particular products. Artificial …

Fedfast: Going beyond average for faster training of federated recommender systems

K Muhammad, Q Wang, D O'Reilly-Morgan… - Proceedings of the 26th …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Federated learning (FL) is quickly becoming the de facto standard for the distributed training
of deep recommendation models, using on-device user data and reducing server costs. In a …

Learning disentangled representations for recommendation

J Ma, C Zhou, P Cui, H Yang… - Advances in neural …, 2019 - proceedings.neurips.cc
User behavior data in recommender systems are driven by the complex interactions of many
latent factors behind the users' decision making processes. The factors are highly entangled …

Disentangled self-supervision in sequential recommenders

J Ma, C Zhou, H Yang, P Cui, X Wang… - Proceedings of the 26th …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
To learn a sequential recommender, the existing methods typically adopt the sequence-to-
item (seq2item) training strategy, which supervises a sequence model with a user's next …

Fairness in information access systems

MD Ekstrand, A Das, R Burke… - Foundations and Trends …, 2022 - nowpublishers.com
Recommendation, information retrieval, and other information access systems pose unique
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …

NAIS: Neural attentive item similarity model for recommendation

X He, Z He, J Song, Z Liu, YG Jiang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Item-to-item collaborative filtering (aka. item-based CF) has been long used for building
recommender systems in industrial settings, owing to its interpretability and efficiency in real …

Diffnet++: A neural influence and interest diffusion network for social recommendation

L Wu, J Li, P Sun, R Hong, Y Ge… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Social recommendation has emerged to leverage social connections among users for
predicting users' unknown preferences, which could alleviate the data sparsity issue in …