RAA Rahim, SM Kahal, MY Yusof - Jurnal Fiqh, 2016 - juku.um.edu.my
This study discusses how Islam became the most important episode in the history of the Malay World. The arrival of Islam that had modified the world view of Arab communities in …
Keharmonian sesebuah keluarga bertitik tolak daripada kesedaran peranan dan tanggungjawab yang dipikul oleh seorang suami sebagai ketua keluarga dan isteri sebagai …
Kajian ini menfokuskan kepada takhrij dan analisis hadith-hadith munakahat khususnya dalam karya jawi. Ia bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmana penilaian dilakukan terhadap …
AF Abd Jalal, RAA Rahim, MHM Said, MJA Manap - 2022 - academia.edu
This study examines the constitutional wisdom and gender of Malay Muslims in Pahang which was detected in Aceh. The influence of these two aspects of wisdom existed in the …
Abstract Nur al-Din al-Raniri is among the prominent scholar in the field Islamic jurisprudence in the Malay world. He pioneered the continuation of the legacy of school al …
Islam telah tiba di Nusantara sejak abad terawal kedatangan Islam di tanah Arab lagi. Serentak dengan kemunculan Islam di Nusantara, aliran yang telah mendominasi pemikiran …
The Seminar Antarabangsa Islam dan Sains (SAIS 2022) or International Seminar on Islam and Science is jointly organized by Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Sains Islam …
Abstract Sheikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri was a famous Muslim scholar in Southeast Asia. Before the arrival of Syeikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri in Aceh, Islamic teaching was being dominated by …
Abstract Al-Sirat al-Mustaqim is very prevalent among the people of the Malay Archipelago. This is proven by the existence of handwritten manuscripts of this book in large numbers. It …