Definition of a comprehensive loads process in the DLR project iLOADS

WR Krüger, T Klimmek - 2016 -
The determination of loads acting on the aircraft is one of the main tasks during aircraft
development. The knowledge of loads is important for aircraft design, eg for the sizing of the …

Parametric modeling of a long-range aircraft under consideration of engine-wing integration

M Schulze, J Neumann, T Klimmek - Aerospace, 2020 -
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of the engine position and mass as
well as the pylon stiffness on the aeroelastic stability of a long-range wide-body transport …

A Comprehensive Load Process at the DLR–Definition, Analysis, and Experimental Evaluation

WR Krüger, PD Ciampa, M Geier, T Kier, T Klimmek… - Aerospace Lab, 2018 -
The determination of loads acting on the aircraft is one of the main tasks during aircraft
development. The knowledge of loads is important for aircraft design, eg, for the sizing of the …

Analysis of Aircraft Configurations Including Propagated Uncertainties

T Pfeiffer, E Moerland, D Böhnke, B Nagel, V Gollnick - 2015 -
During early design stages, limited information is available to conduct decisions on the
goodness of aircraft configurations. In this work, the physical information is supplemented by …

[PDF][PDF] Подход к определению вероятности достижения заданных летно-технических характеристик и учет факторов рисков при формировании облика …

ВА Клягин, ДА Лаушин - Вестник Московского авиационного института, 2021 -
Учет рисков создания авиационного комплекса (АК) является необходимым элементом
при сравнении вариантов АК, а также при оценке реализации программы в целом. Как …

Учет рисков, связанных с достижением заданных летно-технических характеристик самолета

ВА Клягин, ДА Лаушин - Полет. Общероссийский научно-технический …, 2019 -
При разработке нового самолета принятие технических решений осуществляется в
условиях недостаточности информации по массогабаритным, аэродинамическим …

An approach to the probability determining of the specified flight performance achieving, and account for risk factors while an aircraft appearance forming

VA Klyagin, DA Laushin -
An approach to the probability determining of the specified flight performance achieving,
and account for risk factors while an aircraft appearance forming В начало В …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact Assessment of the Errors in Determining the Mass and Zero Lift-Drag Coefficient on the Aircraft's Performance Data

KV Anatolievich, LD Andreevich - Advances in Science, Technology …, 2020 -
When developing new aircraft, the most important decisions that determine the future fate of
the project are made at the initial stages of work in conditions of uncertainty about the impact …


T Pfeiffer, E Moerland, J Gibbs, B Nagel -
This publication provides a method for understanding the propagation of uncertainties
across multiple analysis tools. For each parameter the information about uncertainty and the …

[引用][C] 오픈소스항공기개념설계소프트웨어SUAVE 및VAMPzero 분석

채상현, 백승길 - 한국항공우주학회학술발표회초록집, 2020 -
최근 항공산업 선도국을 중심으로 도심 항공모빌리티 (Urban Air Mobility, 이하 UAM) 나
개인용항공기 (Personal Air Vehicle, 이하 PAV) 에 대한관심이 만개하고 있고, 매우 다양한 …