Subshifts of Finite Type on Groups: Emptiness and Aperiodicity

N Bitar - 2024 -
A subshift of finite type is a set of tilings of a group subject to a finite number of local
constraints, where the group acts by translation. In recent years, much progress has been …

The aperiodic Domino problem in higher dimension

A Callard, BH de Menibus - arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.07377, 2022 -
The classical Domino problem asks whether there exists a tiling in which none of the
forbidden patterns given as input appear. In this paper, we consider the aperiodic version of …

Contributions to the Domino Problem: Seeding, Recurrence and Satisfiability

N Bitar - arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08911, 2023 -
We study the seeded domino problem, the recurring domino problem and the $ k $-SAT
problem on finitely generated groups. These problems are generalization of their original …

Slopes of multidimensional subshifts

E Jeandel, E Moutot, P Vanier - Theory of Computing Systems, 2020 - Springer
In this paper we study the directions of periodicity of multidimensional subshifts of finite type
(SFTs) and of multidimensional effectively closed and sofic subshifts. A configuration of a …

Around the Domino Problem-Combinatorial Structures and Algebraic Tools

E Moutot - 2020 -
Given a finite set of square tiles, the domino problem is the question of whether is it possible
ta tile the plane using these tiles. This problem is known to be undecidable in the planar …

[PDF][PDF] Symbolic dynamics and groups

A Callard, V Salo -
1In Lemma 2.4, we denote NC1 for “Nick's Class” of complexity of level 1, ie the class of
languages L⊆ Σ∗ such that L is decidable by Boolean circuits with a polynomial number of …

[PDF][PDF] Autour du problème du domino

E Moutot - 2020 -
Tilings consist in covering a surface–most of the time the Euclidean plane–by copies of
geometric tiles, placed next to each other without holes nor overlaps. They are at the origin …