Threatening faces and social anxiety: a literature review

SR Staugaard - Clinical psychology review, 2010 - Elsevier
A threatening facial expression is a potent social sign of hostility or dominance. During the
past 20years, photographs of threatening faces have been increasingly included as stimuli …

Cardiac vagal tone predicts inhibited attention to fearful faces.

G Park, JJ Van Bavel, MW Vasey, JF Thayer - Emotion, 2012 -
The neurovisceral integration model (Thayer, JF, & Lane, RD, 2000, A model of
neurovisceral integration in emotion regulation and dysregulation. Journal of Affective …

Angry faces hold attention: Evidence of attentional adhesion in two paradigms

DV Becker, H Rheem, CM Pick, A Ko… - Progress in brain research, 2019 - Elsevier
Growing evidence suggests that angry faces do not “pop-out” of crowds, and that the
evidence for such effects has tended to arise from methodological issues and stimulus …

Value associations of irrelevant stimuli modify rapid visual orienting

HJV Rutherford, JL O'Brien, JE Raymond - Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2010 - Springer
In familiar environments, goal-directed visual behavior is often performed in the presence of
objects with strong, but task-irrelevant, reward or punishment associations that are acquired …

Face value: Eye movements and the evaluation of facial crowds in social anxiety

WG Lange, K Heuer, O Langner, GPJ Keijsers… - Journal of behavior …, 2011 - Elsevier
Scientific evidence is equivocal on whether Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is characterized
by a biased negative evaluation of (grouped) facial expressions, even though it is assumed …


刘宏艳, 胡治国 - 心理科学进展, 2013 -
社交焦虑者往往存在面部表情加工的缺陷. 首先介绍了社交焦虑者对面部情绪表情的普遍性加工
特点, 然后介绍了社交焦虑者对积极面部表情的加工缺陷和对消极面部表情的加工偏向的相关 …

[PDF][PDF] 阈上和阈下不同情绪线索对返回抑制的影响

邓晓红, 张德玄, 黄诗雪, 袁雯, 周晓林 - 心理学报, 2010 -
摘要为检验返回抑制是否受线索生物学意义的调节, 分别在实验一和实验二中以阈上和阈下不同
情绪效价(高兴, 生气和中性) 的面孔为外源性线索, 变化同时提示位置的多寡 …

Read-out of emotional information from iconic memory: The longevity of threatening stimuli

C Kuhbandner, B Spitzer, R Pekrun - Psychological Science, 2011 -
Previous research has shown that emotional stimuli are more likely than neutral stimuli to be
selected by attention, indicating that the processing of emotional information is prioritized. In …

Reduced habituation to angry faces: increased attentional capture as to override inhibition of return

C Pérez-Duenas, A Acosta, J Lupiáñez - Psychological Research, 2014 - Springer
The aim of this paper was to study whether real angry faces do capture attention to the
extent of overcoming the inhibition of return (IOR) effect and whether the anxiety level of …

返回抑制过程中情绪面孔加工优先: ERPs 研究

王敬欣, 贾丽萍, 白学军, 罗跃嘉 - 心理学报, 2013 -
返回抑制(IOR) 是指注意过程中个体对已搜索过的位置进行抑制, 从而在随后该位置上出现目标
时发生注意重新定向或反应变慢的过程. 本研究使用ERPs 技术, 采用线索-靶子范式 …