[PDF][PDF] Mapping syntactic dependencies onto semantic relations

P Gamallo, M Gonzalez, A Agustini, G Lopes… - Proceedings of the …, 2002 - academia.edu
This paper presents a corpus-based method for extracting semantic relations between
words. The method is based on two sequential procedures. First, it automatically classifies …

Clustering syntactic positions with similar semantic requirements

P Gamallo, A Agustini, GP Lopes - Computational Linguistics, 2005 - direct.mit.edu
This article describes an unsupervised strategy to acquire syntactico-semantic requirements
of nouns, verbs, and adjectives from partially parsed text corpora. The linguistic notion of …

[PDF][PDF] DyALog: a tabular logic programming based environment for NLP

ÉV de La Clergerie - Constraint Solving and Language Processing, 2005 - ruc.dk
We describe DyALog, an environment aimed to compile and run tabular-based parsers for
various unification-based formalisms used for Natural Language Processing. Besides …

Syntactic-based methods for measuring word similarity

P Gamallo, C Gasperin, A Agustini… - … Conference on Text …, 2001 - Springer
This paper explores different strategies for extracting similarity relations between words from
partially parsed text corpora. The strategies we have analysed do not require supervised …

Automated creation of a Medieval Portuguese partial treebank

V Rocio, MA Alves, JG Lopes, MF Xavier… - Treebanks: Building and …, 2003 - Springer
The growing trend towards corpus-based linguistics has led researchers to manually
annotate large quantities of text. The human effort involved in this task is often enormous …

[PDF][PDF] Using co-composition for acquiring syntactic and semantic subcategorisation

P Gamallo, A Agustini, G Lopes - … of the ACL-02 Workshop on …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
Natural language parsing requires extensive lexicons containing subcategorisation
information for specific sublanguages. This paper describes an unsupervised method for …

Selection restrictions acquisition from corpora

P Gamallo, A Agustini, GP Lopes - Portuguese Conference on Artificial …, 2001 - Springer
This paper describes an automatic clustering strategy for acquiring selection restrictions. We
use a knowledge-poor method merely based on word cooccurrence within basic syntactic …

Construire des analyseurs avec DyALog

ÉV De La Clergerie - Actes de la 9ème conférence sur le …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
Cet article survole les fonctionnalités offertes par le système DyALog pour construire des
analyseurs syntaxiques tabulaires. Offrant la richesse d'un environnement de …

Selection restrictions acquisition for parsing improvement

A Agustini, P Gamallo, GP Lopes - … on Applications of Prolog, INAP 2001 …, 2003 - Springer
Partially parsed corpora is used for automatically extracting semantic and syntactic
subcategorization information for words, helping to cluster them according to their sense …

Controlling the population size in genetic programming

E Spinosa, A Pozo - Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 2002 - Springer
Evolutionary Computation (EC) introduces a new paradigm for solving problems in Artificial
Intelligence, representing solution candidates as individuals and evolving them based on …