From data-rich infographics to 140 character tweets and activist cell phone photos taken at political protests, 21st century journalism is awash in new ways to report, display, and …
“Journalism still matters. How it's done, why it's done, by whom and for whom remain at the heart of this updated edition. Harcup draws on a rich diversity of voices to cast a critical, yet …
The idealized view of the press as an institution that operates independently from private and political interests and tries to hold power to account is central to many journalists' self …
N Usher - Journalism & Communication Monographs, 2019 -
The US journalism industry is facing unprecedented challenges from questions of economic stability, rising antimedia sentiment among the government and the public, new …
The single biggest challenge facing journalism today is the public's lack of trust in it. This is not a new challenge, but it is persistent, and it has been getting worse. Gallup's most recent …
Description: Second edition.| Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2023.| Series: Routledge media and cultural studies companions| Includes bibliographical references and …
Given the necessity of trust to the fulfillment of the news media's democratic and civic roles, the decline of trust in the news has become a major theme in journalism and communication …
Citizen Journalism explores citizen participation in the news as an evolving disruptive practice in digital journalism. This volume moves beyond the debates over the mainstream …
Some of the ideas explored in this monograph have been presented along the way at a seminar organised by the Communication, Media, and Journalism research group at the …