The ear detects sounds so faint that they produce only atomic-scale displacements in the mechanoelectrical transducer, yet thermal noise causes fluctuations larger by an order of …
Avian hair cells depend on electrical resonance for frequency selectivity. The upper bound of the frequency range is limited by the RC time constant of hair cells because the sharpness …
B Sul, KH Iwasa - Biophysical journal, 2010 -
Although gating of mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channels has been successfully described by assuming that one channel is associated with a tip link in the hair bundle …
While the mammalian-and the avian inner ears have well defined tonotopic organizations as well as hair cells specialized for motile and sensing roles, the structural organization of the …
Recent developments in research on the ear revealed amazing foresights of earlier investigators on one hand and, on the other brought in a new set of experimental data that …
Hair cells constitute the cellular basis for hearing. Their primary role is to convert mechanical signal into electrical signal through the ion channels, called “mechano-electrical transducer …