Social Virtual Reality (VR) typically entails users interacting in real time. However, asynchronous Social VR presents the possibility of combining the convenience of …
Politeness and embodiment are pivotal elements in human-agent interactions. While many previous works advocate the positive role of embodiment in enhancing these interactions, it …
This paper proposes a human approaching robot navigation framework that enables a mobile service robot to (i) estimate a socially optimal approaching pose, and (ii) navigate …
While most research has focused on one-on-one interactions, Socially Interactive Agents (SIAs) for multiparty interaction have received increasingly more atten tion in the past years …
The analysis and simulation of the interactions that occur in group situations is important when humans and artificial agents, physical or virtual, must coordinate when inhabiting …
Politeness behaviors could affect individuals' decisions heavily in their daily lives and may therefore also play an important role in human-agent interactions. This study considers the …
When a conversational group is approached by a newcomer who wishes to join it, the group may dynamically react by adjusting their positions and orientations in order to accommodate …
Mobile robots that approach free-standing conversational groups to join them should behave in a safe and socially-acceptable way. Existing trajectory generation methods focus …
This work proposes an innovative people-aware navigation for telepresence robots in a populated environment based on the estimated inclination of people to interact and the …