The role of smart and autonomous systems is becoming vital in many areas of industry and society. Expectations from such systems continuously rise and become more ambitious: long …
N TaheriNejad, A Jantsch, D Pollreisz - FedCSIS (Position Papers), 2016 -
Observation plays a crucial role in self-awareness. In many scenarios, such as the Observe- Decide-Act (ODA) loops, self-awareness is founded upon observations of the system. In …
ABSTRACT Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) can be found in almost all technical areas where they constitute a key enabler for anticipated autonomous machines and devices …
The main topic of this HDR is the design and the analysis of information delivery systems in the context of challenging environments and disruptive usage patterns. The driving …
Cayley graph is used in representing the complex augmentation of autonomie EEG neural network with bipartite, trivalent and Erdos-Renyi models. The augmentation was used in …